Saturday, September 22, 2012


I'm pretty sure that God/the Goddess/the Universe/The Nothing allows me to see/hear/experience things for the express purpose of sharing them with YOU, gentle reader. Take this, for example:

I'm browsing around Barnes & Noble today (which, by the way, can range from a 20 minute to a 4 hour affair), I observed a 20-something year old guy walk over to a motherly Barnes & Noble employee working at the Information Desk. The following exchange ensued:

That Guy: (clears his throat) Hello there!

Mama Bear at the Desk: May I help...Oh my God! Josh! Oh wow! HI! It's been a while! It's SO nice to see you! We REALLY miss you! Tell me, what are you doing with yourself now, Josh?

That Guy: Um...I'm Eric.

I had to relocate myself. I was equal parts mortified for the woman and in borderline hysterics. And I'm not sure who I feel worse for - Eric or Josh.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how ANY one can get out of a B&N in 20 minutes..... :O For me it's almost like an expedition and takes at least an afternoon. :)
    Anyway what a funny exchange to overhear!! Priceless.


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