Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am so overloaded today. Like way overloaded. Like, so overloaded I feel guilty that I'm even taking my lunch (read: mindlessly eating mostly while trolling Pinterest). However, I also simply had to take the 5 minutes to write this post and share this experience.

Some people like sweets. Some people prefer salty snacks. Some like sour-tasting things. I, personally, am a gal who'll take French Fries over a candy bar every time (though a cupcake trumps anything), but I can understand people who crave sugary stuff.

EXCEPT the woman in front of me at Dunkin' this morning.

I haven't been going to Dunkin' much since I started eating healthy, whole foods (because, unfortunately, there's really no way to make a glazed donut healthy) but this morning I needed the caffeine. Generally, I'm more of a tea girl than a coffee girl. However, when I do drink coffee it's usually flavored and/or lightly sweetened. In my youth (when guess was $0.89/gallon and I walked uphill both ways to get to the mall), I actually used to order it French Vanilla, extra cream, extra sugar. Nothing could prepare me, though, for what this woman ordered:

Large iced caramel swirl coffee, extra cream, extra sugar, and five Splenda.

I'm pretty sure everyone in line imediately became diabetic.

Um, also? It was 6:45 a.m.

Please, if there are any readers who drink their coffee like this, explain it to me. I use the sweetener and milk to cut the bitter taste but...I'm pretty sure you'd be better off just eating bulk white sugar with a spoon than drinking this coffee.

Now, if you'll please excuse me, I need to go call my dentist for a cleaning...


  1. I don't drink coffee so I can't explain but my teeth hurt from reading this!

  2. I don't drink coffee either, so I'm at a loss. I love the smell of it, but hate the taste. At this point I think she should just invest in one of those energy shots.

  3. I personally love coffee but can't stand it sweet. I drink mine black and strong - no cream, no sugar. But as scary as it is, I've seen worse orders than the woman in front of you. A guy I work with is addicted to sugar - he rarely drinks coffee but when he does, he uses 8 sugars. He even puts sugar in hot chocolate! He made us buy the sugar you pour out of a container because he didn't like having to open all the little packets. Pointing out that using less little packets would solve the problem didn't seem to do the trick.


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